The Trump administration recently proposed new rules for the Title X family-planning grant program, which could effectively strip Planned Parenthood of an annual $60 million in taxpayer funding.
While the proposed rules would prohibit federal funds from going to facilities that commit abortions or refer clients to abortion facilities, another part of the new rule that is getting little attention is the section requiring Title X recipients to comply with state laws for reporting suspected child sexual abuse and rape. Since 1999, federal regulations have made clear that all Title X grantees should follow state mandatory-reporter laws, but the new proposal makes that long-running expectation into a requirement. Why the change? What organization wouldn’t already follow state laws to protect innocent children from sexual predators? Planned Parenthood. There have been numerous cases over the years in which Planned Parenthood performed abortions on child victims of sexual abuse without alerting the authorities. In fact, a 2014 study on sex trafficking found that Planned Parenthood was the top most-visited clinical facility for trafficking victims, second only to hospital emergency rooms. (read more) Comments are closed.
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October 2024