If you need a reason to look forward to Mondays, this is it! Mondays are the days we update all the reports of babies spared from abortion during your 40 Days for Life vigils.
Thus far during this 40 Days for Life campaign, we have reports of 36 babies saved … that we know of! Brian in St. Louis says one of the prayer volunteers approached a young woman as she was pulling into Planned Parenthood, and offered to take her across the street to Thrive’s mobile medical unit. Patricia, the volunteer – who gives credit to the Holy Spirit for this turnaround – said the woman was surprised but grateful for the alternate opportunity provided by Thrive. “Sometimes,” Brian said, “all it takes are the prayers of some faithful volunteers and a brochure to help women realize that there ARE other options besides the abortion agenda of Planned Parenthood.” (link to national updates) Senate Democrats today, on a party-line vote, rejected the House Republicans’ effort Saturday night to delay Obamacare, and stop abortion funding and promotion.
The Senate yanked out the House-approved amendments on the bill to fund the federal government, meaning it rejected amendments to strike abortion funding from Obamcare and to strike the HHS mandate that compels religious groups to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions. The House measure also included the Blackburn amendment, which delays taxpayer subsidies for insurance plans that include elective abortion by delaying implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) until January 2015. Section 131(a) delays implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for one year. This would mean that the taxpayer subsidies for Obamacare insurance plans that include elective abortion would be delayed for one year, and the abortion surcharge and secrecy clause would also be delayed for one year. (read full article) The Republican-led House of Representatives passed a continuing resolution today to de-fund the Obamacare health care law that funds abortions and the Planned Parenthood abortion business with taxpayer dollars while keeping the federal government open.
The measure passed on a 230-189 vote. Two Democrats, Matheson (Utah) and McIntyre (N.C.), voted with Republicans for the budget plan while one Republican, Rigell (Va.) voted against it and 14 did not vote. The ball is now in the Senate’s court on how to act — though the Democrat-led Senate will not likely approve a measure to de-fund Obamacare. (read more) The reasons to get rid of Obamacare are piling up, but this latest is really upsetting. People purchasing health insurance through exchanges will work with “navigators.” These navigators help people find the plan best suited for their needs. The Obama administration has paid Planned Parenthood enormous amounts of money to hire navigators through the organization. This means employees of Planned Parenthood will have tons of sensitive information on every American citizen. This includes your Social Security number, tax form, bank account and medical records. AND navigators aren’t subject to background checks, fingerprinting or previous criminal convictions—including identity theft. It’s like posting all of your personal information on Facebook and hoping for the best.
(link to audio program) Planned Parenthood has repeatedly shown that they believe they are above the law, don’t have to follow rules, and can generally do whatever they want with no repercussions. But in Wisconsin, they’re actually getting called out for it.
WisconsinEye — the public affairs televison channel and website that essentially serves as Wisconsin’s own C-SPAN for the state Legislature — issued a statement Thursday slamming Planned Parenthood, saying the abortion rights group violated its user agreement with the network by featuring video footage it purchased from WisEye in an attack advertisement targeting Senate President Mike Ellis, R-Neenah. It is almost hard to believe that they could be so brazen as to sign an agreement…and then immediately turn around and completely disregard it. But then, lying is part of the Planned Parenthood M.O., as is thinking they’re above the law. Breaking rules? Just a normal day’s work. After all, they lied about providing mammograms, lied to women by giving them false medical information, and were found to cover up child sex-trafficking and statutory rape. Basically, we are shown time and time again that there is no rule that Planned Parenthood won’t break, no low they won’t sink to, to promote abortion and enjoy the lucre it brings in. (link to article) A unique approach to ending abortion- From September 25th to November 3rd, our community will be one of many cities from coast to coast joining together for the 40 Days for Life campaign. 40 Days for Life is an intensive effort designed to raise awareness, save lives, bring healing, and lead our nation to repentance for the sin of abortion through three components: 40 days of prayer and fasting 40 days of peaceful vigil 40 days of community...
The 40 Days for Life St. Louis Adopt-A-Day program is for Churches and/or Organizations that feel God is calling them to a day of prayer at our vigil location near Planned Parenthood on Forest Park Avenue. These Churches/Organizations will commit to having at least 2 individuals per hour during an agreed upon date starting at 7am to 7pm. If your church/organization feels they are unable to ‘staff’ an entire day, partial days are available. (link to adopt a day) (link to national 40 Days for Life site) Pro-abortion activists will try anything to push their agenda. The latest effort is being promoted in the name of “education” and “awareness.” It’s an abortion video game, and yes, they’re serious.
A trio of pro-aborts, Allyson Whipple, Carly Kocurek and Grace Jennings, are in the process of raising funds and beginning early development of an interactive video game called “Choice: Texas.” They want to make the game available for free on the web with the hope it’ll serve as a sex education tool for high schoolers. The premise of the game is for players to navigate a character through the system in an attempt to overcome financial, geographical, logistical and legal barriers to having an abortion. They claim to have concern and empathy for women, yet what they call ’obstacles‘ to abortion are actually safeguards for women’s health... This latest gimmick is just further evidence that those with a pro-abortion mindset don’t want to face reality. They prefer to create a virtual world where an abortion is considered “winning” and there are no repercussions to face. It’s nothing more than fiction. As pro-lifers, our concern must lie with the real women who are considering abortion. We’re there for them, face-to-face, offering truth in love and life-affirming support. That’s what saves lives—and when lives are saved, that’s a true win. |
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 www.hawley.senate.gov/contact-senator-hawley Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 www.schmitt.senate.gov/contact/ Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 wagner.house.gov/contact Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
October 2024