President Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is trying to protect the consciences of pro-life health care workers and employees who are pro-life from anti-life government discrimination! The Department issued a proposed regulation to enforce existing conscience rights laws that the Obama administration refused to enforce. In some cases, states such as California and Washington are mandating abortion coverage in violation of federal law!
President Trump’s HHS needs you to provide public comment supportive of this regulatory fix, since liberal groups are criticizing the regulation because they want the government to force pro-life nurses and doctors to participate in abortion! The HHS is taking public comments until May 27, 2018. (go here to leave a comment for HHS) WASHINGTON, DC, March 22, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The House of Representatives passed a $1.3 trillion spending bill to finance the federal government through the 2018 fiscal year, leaving Planned Parenthood’s annual subsidies untouched in the process.
The 256-167 vote comes less than a day after congressional Republican leaders unveiled the final bill’s text Wednesday night, leaving lawmakers unable to fully review it before voting. Congress has until midnight Friday to approve a spending plan to prevent a government shutdown. The legislation has earned disapproval from many Republicans for its priorities, among them the fact that it continues the more than $500 million in taxpayer dollars Planned Parenthood receives each year. (read more) The Trump administration won an initial victory for religious freedom in court this week when a federal judge allowed its religious exemptions to the Obamacare abortion mandate to stand.
Massachusetts and several other states challenged the Trump administration last year after it provided relief from the Obamacare birth control mandate by granting wider exceptions to religious groups. The mandate forces employers to provide birth control, including forms that may cause abortions, in their employee health plans. (continue reading) SCS SB's 632 & 675 was third read and passed the Senate by a vote of 28 yes and 3 no on Thursday, March 8, 2018.
SCS SB's 632 & 675 is the omnibus tax credit bill that includes the extension of tax credits for donations to Pregnancy Resource Centers. These tax credits were due to expire in 2019. SCS SB's 632 & 675 is sponsored by Senator Bob Dixon. SCS SB's 632 & 675 now moves to the House for consideration. NOTE: SCS SB's 632 & 675 and HCS HB's 1288, 1377 & 2050 are the same omnibus tax credit bills, respective of each body. HCS HB's 1288, 1377 & 2050 was referred to the Senate Economic Development Committee on Thursday, March 8. HCS HB's 1288, 1377 & 2050 is sponsored by Representative Kevin Engler. Budget Work Moves Closer to House Floor Debate: Budget Committee moves recommended increase in Alternatives to Abortion funding to separate fund for rehabilitation from opioid addiction for pregnant women who qualify for Medicaid. We will keep you updated as the Budget process continues. Click here for the full update and information on all bills Missouri Right to Life is supporting or opposing. March 14, 2018 (Operation Rescue) – A final reply brief has been filed with the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, in a crucial case challenging an oppressive Federal Court gag order that is currently preventing the release of incriminating evidence against the National Abortion Federation and Planned Parenthood to state and Federal law enforcement.
The case, Newman v. National Abortion Federation, is seeking a Writ of Certiorari from the Supreme Court, which would open the way for arguments before the full Court challenging the constitutionality of a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals gag order... Newman v. NAF stemmed from a 2015 case, NAF v. Center for Medical Progress, in which the National Abortion Federation sued Newman in his capacity as a founding board member of the Center for Medical Progress, along with other CMP members, in an effort to block the release of additional undercover videos that showed Planned Parenthood, NAF executives, and middleman biotech companies discussing the buying and selling of aborted baby body parts for profit, which is illegal in the U.S. An injunction blocking the release of further videos was granted, and that injunction is now the subject of Newman's Supreme Court appeal. Twenty state attorneys general have joined in the appeal after being blocked from accessing evidence needed for investigations in their own states. (link to full article) March 13, 2018 (C-Fam) – President Trump announced this morning that Rex Tillerson is out as U.S. Secretary of State and will be replaced by former Kansas Congressman Mike Pompeo who serves currently as Director of Central Intelligence.
This will be considered good news by pro-life and pro-family advocates since Pompeo has a lengthy record in support of a right to life and in opposition to the homosexual agenda... As a Congressman, Pompeo said he believed life begins at conception and ends at natural death. He co-sponsored the Sanctity of Human Life Act which said, "each human life begins with fertilization, cloning, or its functional equivalent, at which time every human has all legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood..." Pompeo co-sponsored the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act that called for the prohibition of federal funding to any group that performs abortions. (read full article) |
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
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