Clinton’s radical abortion position is similar to Obama’s. She has said in various interviews that an unborn child just hours before birth should have no Constitutional rights. In February, Clinton defended the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure. Clinton also said she wants to overturn the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayers to pay for abortions.
The Democratic Party used to be more moderate on abortion, or at least make people think that it was, Ponnuru said. The Clintons used to say that abortion should be “safe, legal and rare” and Hillary Clinton once described an abortion as a “tragic” decision. But the political climate on abortion has changed, Ponnuru wrote, and Clinton and the Democrats now are pushing the public to accept abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy. They want the public to treat abortions as if they were good for women, and they want taxpayers to pay for them. (read more) HOUSTON, July 26, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – All charges have been dismissed against Center for Medical Progress investigators David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, multiple sources have confirmed to LifeSiteNews.
Prosecutors with the Harris County District Attorney’s office dropped the charges before the pair could pursue their legal motion to quash the charges at a hearing at 9 a.m. Central time, according to the Houston Chronicle. This morning, CMP project lead David Daleiden called the dismissal of the charges “a resounding vindication of the First Amendment rights of all citizen journalists, and also a clear warning to any of Planned Parenthood's political cronies who would attack whistleblowers to protect Planned Parenthood from scrutiny.” (read more) ST. LOUIS • A federal judge here has sided with a Missouri state senator in his fight to opt out of family birth-control coverage through the state health insurance plan.
In a ruling Thursday, U.S. District Judge Jean C. Hamilton said the federal government cannot compel Sen. Paul Wieland, R-Imperial, and his wife to pay for group health insurance that includes contraception coverage they consider religiously objectionable. Paul and Teresa Wieland are Catholics and the parents of three daughters, ages 15 to 22. The Wielands launched their opposition to the rule in 2013, when he was a member of the House. They argued that the contraceptive benefit required by the Affordable Care Act violates their religious beliefs. “We’re excited,” Wieland said Friday. “We know the government probably won’t agree, but this is a victory along the way. The government is trying to force me to buy a product that I consider morally offensive.” (read more) Tong Phuoc Phuc from Vietnam has shown the world what true selflessness is: He has saved the lives of more than 100 children over the last 15 years. It all began in 2001 when his own wife was pregnant. He went with her to the hospital and noticed that pregnant women were entering the next room and coming out no longer with child.
It took some time before Tong realized what exactly was going on. The idea that these babies didn't have a chance to come into this world broke Tong's heart. So, Tong asked if he could take the aborted children from the hospital so they at least could be given a proper burial in an appropriate place. (read more) WASHINGTON, D.C., July 14, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Abortion workers might have delivered babies alive and then killed them in order to harvest their body parts, the House Select Panel on Infant Lives revealed in an interim report on the one-year anniversary of the release of the Center for Medical Progress videos.
The interim report outlined the progress the Panel has made in its investigations into the abortion and fetal tissue procurement industry despite internal obstructions the Panel has faced from its Democratic members, who have “even urged noncompliance with congressional subpoenas.” “The Panel is concerned with a history of babies being born alive and the sale of baby body parts at some late-term abortion clinics. The Panel’s investigation has revealed that whole baby cadavers of a viable age are transferred from some abortion clinics to researchers,” the report said. “The induction abortion procedure has increased the likelihood that infants will be born alive during abortions, even while the gestational age of viability has lowered due to medical advancements. This intersection, coupled with a profit motive, will be part of the Panel’s focus during the coming months.” (read more) ...Similar to the Hyde Amendment, the Weldon Amendment protects the individual consciences of all Americans by prohibiting federal, state, and local governments from discriminating against health care entities that decline to provide, perform, or refer a patient for an abortion. This provision has been attached to annual appropriations bills and signed into law since 1976. Recently, however, the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) at the Department of Health and Human Services refused to enforce this law. OCR has allowed the State of California to require elective abortion coverage in all health insurance plans under their authority. This means churches and universities that object to abortion are being forced to cover abortion through the insurance plans they offer to employees. New York has followed suit, implementing a similar abortion mandate. The federal government has neglected its responsibility, denying these victims any relief from this injustice... Currently, the only recourse against this discrimination is to file a complaint with OCR. In light of its extremely slow response to straightforward complaints or its outright refusal to execute the law, something had to be done. The House this week passed the Conscience Protection Act. This bill stops the federal government, and any state or local government that receives Federal funds from penalizing, retaliating against, or otherwise discriminating against a health care provider on the basis that the provider does not participate in abortion. Further, this bill provides a civil right to action for those discriminated against, including physicians, health professionals, hospitals, health systems, insurance issuers, insurance plans, and administrators of health plans, among others. They deserve a choice. They deserve their day in court. (read full article) |
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