Alliance Defending Freedom and six other pro-life organizations sent the Council of the District of Columbia a letter Thursday arguing that a proposed bill violates federal law by forcing the groups to provide elective abortion coverage through their insurance plans and employ those who live and act contrary to the organizations’ pro-life mission.
The letter explains that the bill clearly violates federal law in light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings in Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Burwell and Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores. (read more) National Update:
With a week to go in this 40 Days for Life campaign, more and more reports of blessings are coming in from 297 vigils in 11 countries. So far … we are aware of 409 babies whose lives have been spared from abortion! Here’s some good news to start your week. Coalition for Life - St. Louis update: After an eventful weekend, we are excited to share with you the amazing news of 5 more turnarounds since Friday morning of last week! A very special story within one of these instances is that of a young woman who's pre-born child was recently diagnosed with a heart defect. The doctors who noted the defect told the woman that it could likely be an indication of Down Syndrome, and encouraged her to go through with an abortion. The woman did not want to have an abortion, however, being uninsured and not knowing where to turn, she asked a relative of hers for help. God then led this woman and her relative to our LIFEChoice Intern, Brad, last Friday morning as he was sidewalk counseling in front of Planned Parenthood. After sharing their plight with Brad, he directed them to the Thrive Mobile Medical Unit across the street. Later on as they were leaving, Brad called out to them and asked if they had gotten the help they were looking for. They gave Brad a large smile and a "thumb's up" sign before driving away. Simply hearing this story moves my heart with gratitude. What a blessing that Brad was able to be there, to affirm the life of this woman and her child, even when others refused to. Day 20 - National update:
Halfway through these 40 days of prayer and fasting, we are aware of 199 babies whose mothers chose life at the very last moment! St. Louis - Coalition for Life update: (Brian Westbrook) Over the weekend, we saw between twenty and twenty-five volunteers and supporters join us on the sidewalk for our Mid-point Rally- and what a beautiful witness they were to all who drove by!! We were encouraged by Pam Fichter of Missouri Right to Life to involve ourselves in the political front of the pro-life movement- which, we can see through the enactment of the 72 hr. waiting period this past Friday, IS far more fruitful than we often give it credit for! Just today, I spoke with three of the LIFEChoice interns who are braving the weather to be on the sidewalk , and joined in their excitement as they shared that, already, in only an hour and a half, they've gotten 2 more turnarounds, bringing our total so far for the Fall campaign to 17 ! LIFEChoice intern, Brad Baumgarten, joyfully told the story of how one of the couples drove by our interns after leaving Thrive to thank our team for their directing them to the Pregnancy Resource Center. Trenton, NJ – The New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners voted yesterday evening to revoke the final medical license held by the notorious abortionist, Steven Chase Brigham, noting that he betrayed the trust of the women he exploited.
In New Jersey, unlicensed persons are unable to hold ownership in medical facilities, so the Board’s revocation decision should force Brigham to shut down his eight abortion offices he operates there. (read more) Take a moment to review Missouri Right to Life State and Federal PAC's endorsements for the general election. Please share these endorsements with your family and friends and encourage them to vote pro-life when they go to the polls. Lives depend on it!
See endorsements here: ABC, CBS, and NBC punted on covering the poignant “bucket list” created by Jenna and Dan Haley for their son, Shane, who developed in his mother’s womb with a major genetic defect.
Shane Haley was born on Thursday morning, and died just a few hours later. The Big Three networks ignored the story on their Thursday evening and Friday morning newscasts, despite the couple gaining hundreds of thousands of followers on Facebook, who followed the Haleys checking off the items on their list. Before he was even born, Shane Michael Haley had already met the Philadelphia Phillies, been to the top of the Empire State Building and shared a cheesesteak with his parents. (read full article) Day 12 - National Update
82 lives saved When prayers go up, abortions often go down. When you commit to a leap of faith and pray for an end to abortion — outside the places where the abortions take place — you won't always see the results. But God uses your presence to save lives. If you look at the numbers, you can often see the direct impact of the Holy Spirit. Several former abortion workers have told us that the no-show rate for abortion appointments skyrockets when people are outside praying. To download today's devotional as a formatted, printable PDF to share with friends: St. Louis updates- LIFEChoice Intern, Faith Otten, shared how it warmed her heart to be surrounded by the prayers of two loving families and various clergy as she sidewalk counseled this afternoon. "Two of my favorite times to be on the sidewalk are when priests and children are present. There is just something so holy and so calming about that type of presence. You can feel it in an almost tangible way...the sun shines a little brighter when they're there." I challenge you today to consider bringing your family to the sidewalk in this next week. Our society needs holy families- families that reflect the love of Christ and keep this love at their center. Too many times a week, we see young women enter Planned Parenthood alone, apart from their family's love and support. How might it change their lives if we could help them see what it means to have a family that loves them? As the leaders of our families, let us today ask Jesus to give us a heart as that of a that we may be ready at every moment to love, to forgive and to trust in our Father. The Government Accountability Office confirmed September 16 that Obamacare is funding abortions with taxpayer dollars. This shouldn’t surprise anyone. In fact, it’s so unsurprising that more than two years ago my Alliance Defending Freedom colleagues (the creative types—not the attorneys) put together this video foreshadowing the GAO report.
In at least three distinct ways Obamacare is forcing taxpayers—and in some cases unwitting policyholders (maybe you)—to pay for others’ abortions, steering untold millions of dollars toward Planned Parenthood and other abortion dealers, who have and are likewise spending millions to elect President Obama and his political allies. (read more) |
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
October 2024