A group of U.S. Congressional Democrats voted against life-saving aid for people with the Zika virus on Wednesday simply because the funding bill did not promote abortions.
The Hill reports the bill provides $622 million in funding to combat the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which has been spreading throughout South America and into North America and across the world. The bill passed the U.S. House on Wednesday but not before a group of Democrats objected, arguing that American tax dollars should be used to fund abortions for women with Zika. Abortion advocates have been using the Zika virus as an excuse to push for more abortions on babies with disabilities. Despite the opposition, the bill passed on Wednesday in a 241-184 vote,according to the Washington Examiner. Lately, abortion activists have been pushing for complete taxpayer funding of abortion and an end to the Hyde Amendment. In January, Hillary Clinton promised Planned Parenthood that she would end Hyde and force taxpayers to fund abortions if she is elected president,LifeNews reported. (read more) The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the government cannot fine the Little Sisters of the Poor. The Supreme Court vacated the lower court rulings against the Little Sisters, accepting the government’s admission that it could meet its goals of providing the free services to women without involving the Little Sisters or using their plan. The Court also ordered the lower Courts to help the government choose an alternative method of providing the services that does not require the participation of the Little Sisters. (see Sister Constance’s reaction here)
“All we have ever wanted to do is serve the neediest among us as if they were Christ himself,” said Sister Loraine Marie Maguire, mother provincial for the Little Sisters of the Poor. “We look forward to serving the elderly poor for another 175 years to come.” (read more) While the House passed multiple pro-life bills, the Senate chose not to pass what the House sent over to them.
HB 2069, a substantive bill ensuring that babies' bodies and body parts from abortion are not being sold for profit was never taken up for discussion. HB 2069 passed the House with a bi-partisan veto proof majority of a 120 votes. There is no reason for the Senate not to have sent HB 2069 to the Governor. We are grateful for the work of the House and Senate Appropriation committees for funding positive pro-life programs passed in previous years (see below). These programs are changing hearts and minds. But, if the legislators want to stop the killing of babies in abortion clinics, they MUST also pass legislation regulating abortion. (read more MRL Lifeline) Calls and emails are needed in these last 2 weeks of this legislative session. Session ends on Friday, May 13 at 6:00 p.m. Anything that impedes the financial incentive for the abortion industry decreases the number of abortions. Please... call your State Senator and ask him/her to pass HCS HBs 2069 & 2371 – one bill with two numbers. We need HCS HB’s 2069 & 2371 to give the full force of law to ensure that baby body parts are not being sold in Missouri or around the United States. (click here for full pdf of bill's description) To determine your State Senator and the email or telephone to reach him/her, access the webpage http://www.senate.mo.gov/LegisLookup/ to enter your address, then click on the senator’s name. Leading pro-life groups thanked Senate Republicans for not allowing a vote on pro-abortion President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. Thought some pro-life voters think Senate Republicans don’t always show a firm resolve, in this case the Republican leadership has stood firm and not backed down on its promise to refuse a hearing and vote.
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 www.hawley.senate.gov/contact-senator-hawley Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 www.schmitt.senate.gov/contact/ Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 wagner.house.gov/contact Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
October 2024