For an organization that promotes itself as a non-partisan health care group, Planned Parenthood shows a lot of interest in politics, specifically in influencing elections with money.
2016 has set new precedents of political involvement for the abortion business, with Hillary Clinton receiving Planned Parenthood’s endorsement before the Democratic primary was even over – the first time the abortion giant has endorsed a primary candidate in its history. In addition to endorsing candidates like Clinton, who support overturning the Hyde Amendment (in order to use taxpayer dollars to directly fund abortions), Planned Parenthood is also spending tens of millions of dollars to oppose the campaigns of those who do not agree with their extreme agenda of abortion on demand. (read more) The Thomas More Society, on behalf of the pro-life investigators at the Center for Medical Progress, has filed papers with the US District Court for the Western District of Washington, to lift the injunction on releasing documents pertaining to the University of Washington’s use of parts from aborted babies.
The records could shed light on Planned Parenthood’s oft-repeated claim that its tissue program facilitated nothing more than “donations,” rather than illegal profits as indicated by Planned Parenthood officials caught on tape by CMP’s undercover videos released last year. (read more) Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has hired pro-life pollster and political strategist Kellyanne Conway (pictured right) as his new campaign manager.
“I want to win,” Trump said of the decision on Tuesday. “That’s why I’m bringing on fantastic people who know how to win and love to win.” During the GOP primary, Conway worked to nominate Trump’s closest opponent, pro-life Sen. Ted Cruz. (read more) Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will address a major national pro-life conference next month — the annual Values Voter Summit, an event that draws thousands of grassroots pro-life activists to the nation’s capital.
Trump is scheduled to speak Friday, September 9 — just 59 days before Election Day. This is the first time a Republican nominee for president has addressed the Values Voter Summit since its inception in 2006. (read more) The approximately one-minute video highlights four issues: Clinton's belief in expanding taxpayer funding for abortion; her stunning statement that "deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs have to be changed;" her assertion that unborn babies have no constitutional rights whatsoever; and her repeated commitment to appoint only pro-abortion judges to the Supreme Court. (read full article) Planned Parenthood filed a federal lawsuit against the University of Washington and pro-life activist David Daleiden to halt the release of public documents.
Mr. Daleiden, who spearheaded the undercover Center for Medical Progress video series, made a public records request in February for documents detailing transactions between the university’s Birth Defects Research Center and Planned Parenthood. The university had planned to release the documents Friday, but Planned Parenthood filed a federal class-action lawsuit two days earlier to suppress their release. The Center for Medical Progress said the documents shed light on a taxpayer-funded “fetal harvesting service at the University of Washington.” “The American people, whose tax dollars make this entire barbaric industry possible, deserve to know the truth,” the Center for Medical Progress said in a statement. (read more) |
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October 2024