MADISON, Wis. – An Alliance Defending Freedom public records request has revealed that Planned Parenthood’s Wisconsin affiliate provided researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison with the hearts and brains of unborn babies up to 18 weeks old and within five minutes of being aborted despite the fact that both UW and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin have denied any such exchange.
The revelation comes on the heels of the state Senate’s passage Wednesday of a bill that will significantly restrict tax funding for Planned Parenthood if the governor signs the measure, and comes in the midst of discussion in the Assembly on a bill that would ban research at UW on recently aborted babies. “Planned Parenthood has once again demonstrated its willingness to cover up its role in the gruesome baby parts trade,” said ADF Senior Counsel Matt Bowman. “Both Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin and UW-Madison publicly denied they had any arrangement to supply baby parts from women undergoing abortion to researchers conducting gruesome experiments, but the documents we obtained prove they were not telling the truth.” (read more) D.A. Who Indicted David Daleiden Received Over $25,000 From Attorney for Late-Term Abortionist1/28/2016
Today, Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson (pictured) defended her indictment of pro-life advocate David Daleiden despite the fact that a Planned Parenthood abortion business board members works as a prosecutor in her office. Now, new information has come to light that Anderson’s campaign received more than $25,000 from the attorney who works for a late-term abortionist.
As LifeNews reported Monday, a Texas grand jury has ignored the videos exposing a Houston-based Planned Parenthood abortion clinic caught selling aborted baby body parts and has instead indicted the man behind producing the expose’ videos. (read more) Missouri Appeals Judge’s Order Stopping State From Closing Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic1/28/2016
Missouri state officials took several steps forward this week to crack down on state abortion clinics.
On Tuesday, Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster’s office filed an appeal against a judge’s order that blocked the state from taking away the license of a Columbia Planned Parenthood, KCUR reports. In addition this week, two state House committees released a report on their investigation of Planned Parenthoods in Missouri, prompted by a series of undercover videos that caught employees of the national abortion business selling aborted babies’ body parts. The Missouri House committees recommended new regulations and increased legislative oversight of abortion facilities in the report released Wednesday, the Columbia Missourian reports. The state Ways and Means and the Children and Families committees recommended:
Today is the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the controversial Supreme Court ruling that progressives want to enshrine and conservatives want to overturn. Few rulings have been more consequential. According to Planned Parenthood’sGuttmacher Institute, 22% of all pregnancies now end in abortion, with 3 in 10 women terminating their pregnancy by the age of 45. There have been approximately 57 million legally induced abortions in the U.S. since 1973—nearly the current population of California and Texas combined.
Yet a recent Pew study found that 4 in 10 “Millennials” don’t even know that Roe v. Wade has to do with abortion. And even fewer today know the true story of the woman who started it all, the pseudonymous plaintiff “Jane Roe.” Here are five things you may not know about her, culled from interviews and profiles along with her sworn congressional testimony and memoirs. (read more) Missouri Bill Mandates Abortion Clinic Inspections After Planned Parenthood Sold Aborted Baby Parts1/12/2016
A Missouri state lawmaker is beginning the 2016 legislative year with a new bill to require more accountability from abortion clinics in the state.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Republican state Sen. Bob Onder believes his bill requiring annual, on-site abortion facility inspections will help protect women’s health and safety. The bill also would require abortion clinics to send aborted babies’ bodies to pathology labs for examination, the report states. Onder said his bill would “uphold medical standards, protect women and ensure public safety.” The pro-life lawmaker introduced the legislation in response to a series of state investigations into whether Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are violating state regulations. The investigations were prompted by a series of undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress showing top Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of aborted babies’ body parts. There is specific concern in Missouri about the sales of aborted baby body parts because one of the expose’ videos mentions St. Louis as a possible location to obtain aborted babies. (read more) Planned Parenthood is losing support among constituents in the aftermath of its endorsement of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton for President.
The abortion giant’s Facebook page and social media platforms were flooded with comments from outraged supporters, who said they will no longer support Planned Parenthood after the group backed Clinton as a prelude to the primary elections. Some of Planned Parenthood’s core supporters even vowed to end financial contributions to the group and now agree that the abortion giant should be defunded. (read more) Pro-lifers were disappointed but not surprised to learn that President Obama had vetoed legislation defunding Planned Parenthood and repealing the Affordable Care Act (also known as ObamaCare). The legislation was of paramount importance to the pro-life movement, and not only because it would have defunded the nation’s largest abortion provider. Pro-lifers have also expressed concerns with ObamaCare for its contraception/abortifacient mandate and its funding of elective abortions.
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
April 2024