The Vermont Office of the Attorney General has settled another campaign finance complaint from the 2010 election.
Planned Parenthood of Northern New England has agreed to pay a $30,000 penalty to settle a complaint filed by group known as Let Vermont Vote. The group said Planned Parenthood failed to register its Action Fund as a political action committee and file contribution reports. The complaint also said the PAC had accepted contributions bigger than the $2,000 per donor limit. The Planned Parenthood Action Fund spent $119,437 on advertising that criticized Brian Dubie, the Republican candidate for governor in 2010…. Craig Bensen of Cambridge, executive director of Let Vermont Vote, filed his complaint about Planned Parenthood in February of 2012. In August 2012 Planned Parenthood of Northern New England was one of three Planned Parenthoods to whom HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius awarded grants to serve as Obamacare ”navigators” to help people enroll in Obamacare. PPNNE was given $145,161 from a total of $655,000 awarded to the three. The Obama administration had to know PPNNE was under investigation when it awarded PPNNE the grant. Or perhaps PPNNE didn’t acknowledge the investigation when applying for the grant? Either way, something smells. More odorous info: At the time of PPNNE’s grant award, Steve Trombley was the CEO. Trombley was formerly CEO of Planned Parenthood of Chicago, and then Planned Parenthood of Illinois, when Obama was state senator and U.S. senator. The two men were close allies. Obama even gave Trombley a shout out to during his infamous speech to Planned Parenthood in 2008 (:41 on the video). The following statement can be attributed to Pam Fichter, President of Missouri Right to Life:
Over the last 4 years it has been reported that more than 23 ambulances have been called to the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in St. Louis. An inspection report issued by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, after a January 2013 inspection, details 14 pages of violations at the St. Louis Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. Although Planned Parenthood claims to have taken corrective action on these violations, the ambulances keep coming. Following are some of the violations cited in the January 2013 inspection. Imagine the kind of care a woman receives with these violations and you will have no doubt as to why ambulances are a normal sight at the St. Louis Planned Parenthood abortion clinic:
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed a Texas pro-life law to remain in effect as a challenge makes its way through the courts. The justices split 5-4.
Gov. Rick Perry signed H2 into law this summer. The law requires abortionists to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles. It also prohibits abortions after 20 weeks, when preborn babies begin to feel pain, and requires abortionists to follow FDA rules when administering abortion-inducing drugs. Planned Parenthood filed suit in September. (read more) Tomorrow, Nov. 3rd, marks the final day in the current 40 Days for Life campaign. As of today, day 39, the national number for babies saved during this campaign is 453.
Pregnancy Resource Centers or Crisis Pregnancy Centers are amazing. These pro-life, non-profit organizations are safe places for women to receive information on child development, speak with supportive people and get resources they need for their families.
Pregnancy Centers receive most of their resources through the generous donations of others. Here are some simple, helpful ways you can support a center in your city.: 1. Volunteer 2. Throw a baby shower (link to all 10 ways to help and explanations) We’ve been very critical of Obamacare because it’s hurting Americans. But that has caused some to ask, “What’s your alternative?”
The truth is, we’ve always had alternatives, but our critics weren’t ready to listen. Now, the disastrous rollout of Obamacare has a lot of people asking for alternatives to government-run health care. And conservatives are ready. At The Heritage Foundation, we are envisioning a health care system where you and your family come first. Our experts in the Center for Health Policy Studies have put together a new paper that explains how these conservative ideas work. It includes:
A federal appeals court on Thursday said part of a Texas pro-life law — blocked earlier this week by a lower court — may continue as the case moves forward.
On Monday, a district judge struck down the provision requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles. Pro-lifers called this a bad move, saying it would put women in great danger. “We welcome the 5th Circuit ruling allowing commonsense limits on abortion to go into effect, protecting women from the back alley abortion conditions that exist in too many clinics today,” said Americans United for Life Action (AULA) President Charmaine Yoest. “Asking abortionists to follow the laws created for out-patient medical facilities is a low bar for an invasive medical procedure that can have life-threatening complications.” (read more) |
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
April 2024