Insurance lobbyists recently sent Missouri lawmakers a letter in which they tried to influence them to implement the Obamacare state run health care exchanges against the will of the people. Missourians have overwhelmingly voted against implementation of Obamacare (Prop. C and more recently Prop. E). Please email or call your legislators and remind them to stand with the people. NO to the exchanges!
Click here for MO Senate, click here for MO House of Representatives **Also read this article which outlines several reasons states should not implement the exchanges.** Dozens of states are refusing to participate in the pro-abortion Obamacare scheme and several states have still yet to make a decision about it. Leading pro-life and conservative activists are calling on voters in states yet to decide to ask their governors to reject participation.
States would irrevocably surrender critical aspects of their sovereignty if they agree to either of these new programs. Once you’re in, a state’s programs must not only conform to the words of the Obamacare statute—the 2,700-page Affordable Care Act—but must also comply with all regulations issued by HHS. New regulations are coming out all the time (such as the now-infamous HHS contraception mandate), so the federal government has a blank check to profoundly change the system anytime it chooses. Among other things, healthcare providers will become subject to vast new regulatory regimes in those states. Doctors and providers in those states will be far more limited in how they can practice medicine, especially if they want to be reimbursed for their services. As a consequence, you’ll see two mass migrations after Obamacare’s major provisions go into effect in 2014. First, states that adopt these massively-expanded entitlements will become magnets for low-income people. Many will choose to move to states where they can get “free” healthcare—meaning healthcare paid for by other people. Second, doctors and healthcare providers will flock to states that resist these big-government programs, since doctors will be free there to practice medicine as they know best, without bureaucratic controls. So “Obamacare states” will see a growing shortage of doctors, while free-market states will see an increasing abundance of doctors. This trend will only accelerate if these states also enact medical tort reform and other pro-doctor laws. States that have officially said no to Obamacare include: Alabama, Alaska, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin. Undecided states include Arizona, Idaho, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. (read full article) “President Obama has won re-election, but his health care law is still driving up costs and making it harder for small businesses to hire workers. As was the case before the election, ObamaCare has to go.
The president’s health care law adds a massive, expensive, unworkable government program at a time when our national debt already exceeds the size of our country’s entire economy. We can’t afford it, and we can’t afford to leave it intact. That’s why I’ve been clear that the law has to stay on the table as both parties discuss ways to solve our nation’s massive debt challenge." “Vigorous oversight of the health care law by the House can be expected, and in fact is already underway. The House Ways & Means Committee recently issued a subpoena directing that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) turn over any and all information regarding how taxpayer dollars have been used to promote ObamaCare." “One state that has acted clearly and decisively with respect to ObamaCare is our own state of Ohio. Gov. John Kasich announced November 16 that Ohio will not implement one of the government-run ‘exchanges’ mandated under the president’s health care law, and will preserve our state’s ability to regulate health insurance on its own." (read full article) The recently-concluded 40 Days for Life campaign is responsible for saving the lives of hundreds of babies from abortion, thanks to pro-lifers giving women abortion alternatives information.
But the campaign also had another tremendous success — six abortion clinic workers quit their jobs thanks to the prayers of dedicated pro-lifers participating in the nationwide event. (read more) A federal court today ruled that a Bible publisher does not have to offer contraceptives and possible abortion-inducing drugs to employees, for the time being.
Tyndale House Publishers, a nonprofit that publishes Bibles and other Christian materials, is seeking relief from a rule issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which says almost all businesses and religious groups must offer insurance the covers those items, or face hefty fines. The court said the mandate may not be enforced against Tyndale while the case proceeds — making it the third company nationwide to get a short reprieve. (read more) The number of lawsuits against the Obama administration over a rule forcing employers to provide insurance covering contraceptives and possible abortifacient drugs reached 40 this week, when a medical supply company in Minnesota filed a complaint on Nov. 5.
Stuart Lind, who owns Annex Medical, Inc., is a Catholic dedicated to “conducting business in a way that is pleasing to God and is faithful to Biblical principles and values,” according to court documents. He says the mandate is forcing him to violate his religious beliefs. “This case follows the successful challenges of the (Health and Human Services) mandate by for-profit businesses in other states,” said Erick Kaardal of the Minneapolis-based law firm Mohrman & Kaardal, P.A., one of the attorneys representing Lind. “We are the first to file in Minnesota. We hope to have the Constitution applied to protect business owners’ religious liberties elsewhere.” The Obama administration gave secular businesses until this past August to comply with the mandate. Faith-based organizations, including Catholic hospitals, universities and ministries, have a so-called “safe harbor” extension that gives them until August 2013 to find a way to comply. (link to full article) Catholic bishops regard the mandate as a violation of religious freedom, compelling them to provide services they morally oppose. The church has always seen its charitable work, hospitals and schools as part of its broader ministry, said Bishop Richard Pates of the Diocese of Des Moines.
“It’s just as much a part of our faith as saying prayers inside of church,” he said. Refusal to provide the coverage could prompt civil fines of up to $100 per day for each uncovered employee. While the church leaders said they hope a resolution can be reached, such fines would leave no other option but to close the affected institutions. The USCCB organized a two-week campaign called the Fortnight for Freedom to raise awareness about the threats to rights of conscience posed by the HHS mandate. The USCCB released a documententitled “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty” in which the bishops emphasized they would not back down from their opposition the HHS Mandate. The bishops said, “It is a sobering thing to contemplate our government enacting an unjust law. An unjust law cannot be obeyed. In the face of an unjust law, an accommodation is not to be sought, especially by resorting to equivocal words and deceptive practices. If we face today the prospect of unjust laws, then Catholics in America, in solidarity with our fellow citizens, must have the courage not to obey them. No American desires this. No Catholic welcomes it. But if it should fall upon us, we must discharge it as a duty of citizenship and an obligation of faith.” (read full article) Our semi-annual Rummage & Bake Sale will be held Sat, Nov. 10th from 7:30am until noon. Fill a brown bag for only $2 during the last hour of the sale. Set up is on Fri, Nov. 9, from 8:30am to 6 pm. Donated items and baked goods may also be dropped off at this time.
(click here for more details and location) or simply go to our website calendar and click on Nov. 10th for details. I'm sure that most of you, as am I, are struggling with many emotions after the disappointments from last night's election results. I held out hope to the last minute that this country would not re-elect the most pro-abortion president in our history.
I had great optimism that the concerns over government encroachment into our fundamental religious liberties and takeover of healthcare would motivate voters to choose the candidate who shared those concerns. While a significant majority of Missourians supported Mitt Romney, other pro-life candidates in Missouri were defeated. We are heart-broken and saddened at these missed opportunities to advance the cause of life, protect innocent unborn children and prevent rationing of healthcare. We are so very grateful to all of the pro-life candidates who ran on the principles on which our country is founded - particularly on the unalienable right to life. For those who lost, you will be missed. For those who won, we look forward to working with you as we continue to build a culture of life in our state and in our country. We are also thankful for the hundreds of MRL PAC volunteers across the state who worked so hard to promote pro-life candidates and to all those who so generously donated financially to the PAC. We did all we could, and you should be very proud of your efforts. There will be plenty of time later for analyzing the results and second-guessing campaign strategies, but let's waste no time in bitterness or anger. My faith compels me - and I pray it does you as well - not to be discouraged, not to give up hope, to believe always in God's infinite love and mercy. Believe also in the truth that by working to protect innocent human life, we are doing the work to which God calls us. Take heart, my friends, and join me with determination and firm resolve in the certain knowledge that God will be victorious. On Tuesday night, it was tough watching the election returns ... and even harder to swallow the devastating implications for innocent unborn children.
Wednesday, I got up after a long, restless night, and helped to get my four small children ready for the day... nervous about the world they'll grow up in. Today, like you, I feel frustrated. But there isn't time to complain. It's time for a gut check. Our culture is a mess. It didn't happen overnight, and it won't be fixed overnight. But we have a choice. We can mope and cast blame -- or we can look in the mirror and use this opportunity to fall to our knees in prayer, trust God ... and get back to working HARD. Register to join us Monday night for a live webcast/ teleconference. Click here for more details. |
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
October 2024