Planned Parenthood May Sue President Trump After He Cut $60 Million of Its Taxpayer Funding5/26/2018
What support the abortion industry lacks from grassroots Americans it tries to make up through the courts.
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood has filed dozens of lawsuits in the past several years to block pro-life legislation, including efforts to cut its taxpayer funding. And it may do so again with newly proposed cuts under the Trump administration. The Hill reports Planned Parenthood and the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association are considering lawsuits against a proposed rule to prohibit Title X family planning funds to groups that provide or refer for abortions. Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion chain in America, receives about $60 million in Title X funds annually... ...Late last week, the Trump administration announced plans to introduce the “Protect Life Rule,” a Title X regulation similar to one introduced under President Ronald Reagan and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Under the proposal, Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses would not receive any Title X tax dollars unless they completely separate their abortion business from their taxpayer-funded services, The Washington Examiner reports. That would mean housing their family planning services elsewhere — potentially in separate buildings and coordinated by separate staff and organizations from its abortion enterprise. (read full article) House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy wants conservatives and Christians to know one thing: He isn’t going to stay quiet as conservatives are continually subject to censorship on social media, in business, and in the eyes of some media outlets.
McCarthy gave a speech to the Council for National Policy on May 18 detailing how the current political climate is increasingly belittling Christian conservatives for their beliefs and, as a result, they are “forced out of the public square.” “Conservative Christians are being silenced in corporate America and the mainstream media—including on social media, where some of the most important conversations of our day are taking place,” McCarthy said on May 18. McCarthy’s speech comes at a time when major social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, are censoring conservatives and libertarian individuals and companies for their beliefs. Social media companies aren’t the only ones censoring conservative speech. Major companies, like Amazon, also do it. (continue reading) IRELAND, May 26, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Irish citizens voted to legalize abortion on Friday, ending Ireland’s legacy as one of the world’s most pro-life nations.
The votes are still being officially counted, but the pro-abortion campaign is declaring victory and pro-lifers are calling this a “tragedy of historic proportions.” “The 8th amendment did not create a right to life for the unborn child – it merely acknowledged that such a right exists, has always existed, and will always exist,” the pro-life Save the 8th campaign said in a statement. “What Irish voters did yesterday is a tragedy of historic proportions. However, a wrong does not become right simply because a majority support it.” (read more) In 2015, California officially legalized assisted suicide. Despite intense opposition from both religious and disability rights groups, as well as doctors, California Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill into law, claiming he considered what he would want, saying, “In the end, I was left to reflect on what I would want in the face of my own death.” But now, almost two years after it took effect, a Riverside judge has overturned the law.
Superior Court Judge Daniel A. Ottolia ruled that the California legislature violated the state constitution by passing the law during a special session that was supposed to be dedicated to Medicare funding. Therefore, he argued, the law should not have been approved. A group of doctors later sued to stop the law and are applauding Ottolia’s decision. (continue reading) The Obama administration may be a thing of the past, but its contraceptive mandate continues to oppress those with pro-life religious and moral convictions. Institutions which have a religious opposition to providing forms of contraception — notably those forms which can act as abortifacients — are still just now receiving relief. Last October, President Trump fulfilled a campaign promise and rolled back the contraceptive mandate, a move cheered by the Little Sisters of the Poor. Not long after, however, a Pennsylvania judge issued a preliminary injunctionagainst the rollback, claiming it “intrudes… into the lives of women.”
And yet, the tide may be turning. On May 15th, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma found in favor of four Christian universities in the state, in a consolidated case known as Southern Nazarene University v. Azar. (read more) PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, May 9, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – American Archbishop Charles J. Chaput is asking his archdiocese to pray for Ireland as the country approaches a vote to legalize abortion on demand.
“Ireland has always had the wisdom to reject the kind of social ‘progress’ that depends on the shedding of innocent blood and the destruction of new life,” Chaput wrote in his weekly column. “Now that nation’s conscience hangs in the balance. Today, prolife efforts in Ireland urgently need our support.” (read more) Planned Parenthood’s Campaign to Censor More Videos Exposing Its Aborted Baby Part Sales Wins Again5/17/2018
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals handed another victory to the abortion giant Planned Parenthood on Wednesday when it refused to block a case against David Daleiden and his undercover videos.
The Recorder reports a panel of the court ruled against Daleiden’s and the Center for Medical Progress’s request to block a Planned Parenthood lawsuit alleging fraud and racketeering. It is one of many legal proceedings between Daleiden, the Center for Medical Progress and abortion activists with Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation, both of which were exposed in some of CMP’s already released videos. (continue reading) In 1970, Congress enacted Title X of the Public Health Service Act that provides federal tax dollars for family planning services. The Act states that grants and contracts under Title X must “be in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary (of Health and Human Services) may promulgate.”
Section 1008 of the Act, passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress, ensures that no taxpayer dollars be “used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.” It was not until 1988 that the Reagan administration issued “co-location” guidelines. These guidelines were intended to further protect taxpayers from being complicit with the destruction of abortion. They were challenged in court and the Supreme Court ruled in 1991 that the regulations are permissible. However, a few years later President Bill Clinton, a supporter of abortion, removed those same protections. Earlier this month more than 150 U.S Representatives and 41 Senators sent letters to President Trump’s HHS Secretary Alex Azar to restore the Reagan era rule. The elected officials asked that the new regulations remove the forced abortion referral for Title X grantees but also that they call for a “physical separation of abortion activities from Title X service sites and separate personnel.” The reason for the physical separation is to ensure complete financial separation between American tax dollars and abortion related activities. After all, a majority of American taxpayers oppose taxpayer funding for abortion. (read more) |
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