Missouri Right to Life has released an open letter to Senators Blunt and McCaskill opposing the nomination of Ronnie White to the federal bench. Due to his actions in the Missouri House in 1992 where Representative White, as Chairman of the Missouri House Committee on Civil and Criminal Law, showed that he was willing to break his own word in order to prevent the overwhelmingly pro-life citizens of Missouri their voice in attempting to protect unborn children.
As a judge of the Missouri Supreme Court, Ronnie White further exhibited his bias when he made the fourth vote of a 4-3 decision against ordering Planned Parenthood organizations to return hundreds of thousands of dollars in Missouri tax money that had been twice held to have been granted in violation of Missouri law. Shipley v. Cates, 200 S.W.3d 529 (Mo. banc 2006). As a legislator and committee chair, Ronnie White was not willing to abide by his own commitments to the Governor and to a fellow legislator on an issue of overriding importance to the people of Missouri. As a state Supreme Court judge, he was not willing to make Planned Parenthood return Missouri taxpayers' money that it had received in violation of the duly-enacted law enacted by the Legislature. You can see the open letter from Missouri Right to Life to Senators Roy Blunt and Claire McCaskill here. Senate Defeats Democrats’ Bill to “Overturn” Supreme Court Decision Protecting Hobby Lobby7/17/2014
Senate Democrats today lost their bid to approve legislation to “overturn” the Supreme Court’s decision protecting Hobby Lobby and other companies from being forced to comply with the HHS mandate that compels them to pay for abortion-causing drugs for their employees.
Republicans were able to sustain their filibuster against the bill and prevailed on a 56-43 vote, with Democrats voting to move to a vote on the pro-abortion bill and almost all Republicans uniting to vote against it. (read more) An Arizona pro-life group wants a Planned Parenthood abortion business investigated that allowed teen girls to be victimized by statutory rape because it failed to properly report a rapist.
Planned Parenthood abortion clinics have come under fire countless times over the years for not reporting cases of statutory rape to authorities as required by state law. Earlier this year, in Arizona, officials says the abortion giant failed again to provide the proper report to authorities about a victim of a young man who is a serial rapist. Not only did Planned Parenthood intentionally fail to report the rape but, in so doing, it allowed the rapist to rape as many as 18 or more teenage girls, authorities say, making it so the abortion company is partially responsible for victimizing them as well. (read more) The following statement may be attributed to Pam Fichter, President of Missouri Right to Life:
Missouri Right to Life is profoundly disappointed that Governor Nixon has vetoed the tax credit increase for pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes. This law, when passed over the governor's veto, will save babies and protect women, both adults and minors by giving more dollars to pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes to help women in crisis pregnancies. This assistance helps women choose life for their unborn child and protects them from the dangers of abortion... ...These bills, HB 1132 sponsored by Rep. Kevin Engler in the House and SB 638 sponsored by Sen. Gary Romine in the Senate passed with bi-partisan support and veto-proof majorities. Missouri Right to Life urges all House and Senate members, both Republicans and Democrats, to vote to override the Governor's veto on HB 1132. The following statement can be attributed to Pam Fichter, President:
Missouri Right to Life is profoundly disappointed that Governor Nixon has taken this step to deny women in crisis pregnancies the protection of a 72-hr reflection period. HB 1307 will, when passed over the governor’s veto, extend the current 24-hour reflection period after consultation to 72 hours before a woman has an abortion. This extra time will allow a woman to reflect on all her options before deciding to go forward with an abortion. Governor Nixon has vetoed a bill that would save babies and protect women from abortion clinics seeking to make a profit on an abortion. Abortion is a life-changing procedure. It ends the life of an unborn baby; a decision that can never be undone. The procedure can also be harmful to the mother. In making this decision, women need time to review all the medical information and the alternatives available. This bill provides that. We urge all pro-life legislators of both political parties to vote to override the Governor’s veto of HB 1307. As promised, Senate Democrats filed legislation to “overturn” the Supreme Court’s decision protecting Hobby Lobby and other companies from being forced to comply with the HHS mandate that compels them to pay for abortion-causing drugs for their employees.
Now, Senate Democrats want to change the Religious Freedom and Restoration Act in a way that would force companies to pay for birth control, contraception and those abortion-causing drugs. Senators Mark Udall (D-Colo.) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.), both abortion advocates, are behind the new legislation and they said, “The Protect Women’s Health from Corporate Interference Act would ban employers from refusing to provide health coverage — including contraceptive coverage — guaranteed to their employees and dependents under federal law.” (read full article) |
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 www.hawley.senate.gov/contact-senator-hawley Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 www.schmitt.senate.gov/contact/ Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 wagner.house.gov/contact Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
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