ALERT: STOP radical court-packing scheme -- Contact your U.S. Senators & House Member today!4/17/2021
ALERT from LifeSite News:
On Friday, Joe Biden - after consistently refusing to answer such questions as a candidate in 2020 - officially announced the formation of a presidential commission to explore the possibility of making MAJOR changes to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). Among these so-called "reforms" include potentially INCREASING the number of Justices that serve on SCOTUS, in an obvious effort to give congressional Democrats and the radical left a boost in support on our nation's highest court. While official recommendations have yet to be made by Biden's commission, Congress will ultimately decide what steps are taken once they do. Trust in our courts has already been steadily eroding over the years due to what has rightfully been interpreted by the American people as politically-driven decisions made by past and current Justices. But if our leaders in Washington allow Joe Biden to expand the court, there's no telling how much worse things will get. The Supreme Court represents the only branch of government that ISN'T under complete control of the radical left, and if congressional Democrats' new court-packing scheme is successful, that one last safeguard could be permanently removed. That's why it's so important to let our U.S. Senators and Congressmen/women know that we stand firmly against any and all efforts to pack and politicize the Supreme Court, and the time to do so is NOW. Please take urgent action and contact your U.S. Senators and House Member in one easy step using the simple contact form that LifeSite is making available here. It’s called Voter Voice and it will automatically match you to your representatives' email and Twitter accounts. It only takes one click of a button, and you won't even have to look-up your federal legislators' contact details. (link to voter voice to contact lawmakers) House Democrats, in a strict party-line vote, recently passed legislation to conduct a massive federal overhaul of America’s elections which would attempt to make the irregularities that plagued 2020 election the new, permanent norm in our country.
The bill is called H.R. 1 (also known, ironically, as the “For the People” Act), and, if passed by the Democrat-controlled Senate, could mark the end of free and fair elections in our country. That’s we must act NOW, and implore our U.S. Senators to vote against this dangerous legislation when it comes before them for a vote. Please SIGN and SHARE this urgent petition asking all U.S. Senators to oppose H.R. 1 as a matter of national importance. After signing, please CONTACT YOUR SENATORS DIRECTLY, by using the easy form which LifeSite is also providing here. SIGN PETITION CONTACT YOUR US SENATORS Democrat sponsors have attempted to promote H.R. 1 as a bill to expand voting rights in America, but, in reality, it is the exact opposite. Among the 791-page bill’s provisions are the following: -Transfer of control over congressional elections from state governments to the federal government, even though the Constitution explicitly states that such authority belongs solely to states. -Mandatory early voting in all 50 states for at least 15 days prior to an actual election, as well as unlimited ballot harvesting. -Mandatory, nationwide mail-in voting, without any requirement that individuals provide a form of personal identification upon applying for their mail-in ballot. -Transfer of control over drawing congressional district maps from each individual state’s legislature to “independent” commissions – another power reserved, in the Constitution, for states specifically. April 1, 2021 (Fetal Tissue Vaccines) — As with the MMR [1] vaccine, the Oxford/AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine are produced in cell lines derived from abortions [2] — by contrast, Moderna and Pfizer’s vaccines used them in testing.[3]
The debate around the morality of fetal tissue vaccines frequently has at its heart three beliefs:
1. “Only a few babies were used.” While each individual cell line contains the cells of just one baby, many aborted babies are used in the process of creating a cell line.[4] For example, under oath, scientist Stanley Plotkin admitted that there were 76 aborted babies used in just one vaccine study.[5] Furthermore, with cell line WI-25 we know that it was the 25th specimen from the 19th baby.[6] The two cell strains used by COVID vaccines are named HEK293 and PERC6.[7] The name HEK293 stands for a Human Embryonic Kidney from the 293rd experiment [8] — we can be confident that more babies preceded the final baby used for HEK293.[9] 2. “The babies were of a very early gestation.” Most of the babies whose tissue formed the basis of the different vaccine cell lines, were over 3 months when aborted.[10] For example, under oath, scientist Stanley Plotkin admitted that all of the 76 unborn babies used in the study were 3 months or older.[11] At 3 months, a baby is fully formed: “she has begun swallowing and kicking … facial muscles are getting a workout as her tiny features form one expression after another …”[12] (read more) |
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
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