For six years Carol Everett operated four abortion clinics in Texas.
As reported by The Catholic Register, Everett earned a commission for every abortion in addition to a share of the fees charged by each clinic. She says she sold abortion and made big bucks off of the “cash cow” of abortion. A new abortion clinic, she said at the annual Rose Dinner for the National March for Life in Ottawa, would make enough money to pay for itself in a single month......Everett, who left the abortion industry after a Christian business counselor she hired lead her to Christ, also talked about how damaging government-funded sex education programs are. In her speech at the Rose Dinner, she took aim at the programs for stealing away the innate modesty of children and creating a rift between children and their parents. She says that the programs aim to teach children that talking to their parents about sex is uncomfortable and then they offer to be the people the children turn to for support. She says that girls are then provided with low dose birth control, which is ineffective if not taken at the same time each and every day, which is close to impossible for any teenager. When the girls get pregnant, they then turn to abortion clinics, she says. (read full article) Pinal County sheriff’s deputies in Arizona claim that the nation’s largest abortion seller failed to report a teen rape. And they say there may be many more victims.
Law enforcement officials filed a 27-count indictment against 18-year-old Tyler Kost accusing him of sexual crimes against 11 girls, ranging from 12 to 17 years of age. According to the sheriff’s office, Planned Parenthood knew about one of the assaults, but failed to report it as required by law. (read more) The following statement may be attributed to Pam Fichter, President of Missouri Right to Life:
"...the Senate passed SCS HCS HB 1307 & 1313, by a vote of 22 to 9. This bill extends the current 24-hour reflection period after consultation to 72 hours before a woman has an abortion. This extra time will allow a woman to reflect on all her options before deciding to go forward with an abortion. This legislation will save babies and protect women from abortion clinics seeking to make a profit on an abortion." Call your Missouri legislators today! Your calls are important!
If you are not sure who your Representative is or his/ her phone number, go here: For Senator info, go here: Ask your legislator to: Please, do all they can to advance the following pro-life bills:
See latest Legislative report here: (link to MRL action alert) Gosnell Movie Raises $2.1 Million to Tell Story of Abortionist Who Killed Babies Born Alive5/9/2014
They did it. The producers of the Gosnell movie have raised the $2.1 million they needed to make the Hollywood-style film that will tell the story of the gruesome abortion practitioner.
The campaign reached its goal four days ahead of schedule thanks to a unified effort by pro-life advocates and almost 24,000 people who agreed to fund the movie. Proving its grassroots appeal, most of the 23,471 donors contributed $100 or less while only 72 people claimed the perks from donating over $1,000. He is the abortion practitioner who killed babies in live-birth abortions that were more akin to infanticide than abortion. The media virtually ignored Kermit Gosnell until the pro-life movement launched a concerned effort to call them out on their bias during the early stages of his trial for murder. (read more) The pro-life brothers who were set to be the stars of the next HGTV reality television show “Flip It Forward” have a refreshing response to the cable network cancelling the program because of their pro-life beliefs.
HGTV has canceled a new reality television show, Flip It Forward, that was scheduled to debut on Home and Garden Television this October, after learning the stars of the show are pro-life. During the program, brothers David and Jason Benham would be helping families purchase dream homes they otherwise couldn’t afford. In response, the Benham brothers issued a statement saying they are “saddened” by HGTV’s decision. “The first and last thought on our minds as we begin and end each day is; have we shined Christ’s light today? Our faith is the fundamental calling in our lives, and the centerpiece of who we are. As Christians we are called to love our fellow man.... (read more) Yesterday the House of Representatives voted for a commission to study creating the National Women’s History Museum that is being organized mostly by abortion advocates who want to honor Margaret Sanger and other pro-abortion figures. A leading pro-life women’s group is opposed to it.
The House voted 383-33 to create a bipartisan commission to study the feasibility of a museum on or near the National Mall and recommend whether it should be part of the Smithsonian. A similar measure is pending in the Senate. (read more) |
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
October 2024