As hundreds of thousands of pro-life demonstrators participated in the March for Life in Washington, D.C., to protest abortion, President Obama threatened to veto a bill prohibiting federal funds from being used to pay for the controversial procedure.
“I am deeply committed to protecting this core constitutional right, and I believe that efforts like H.R. 7, the bill the House considered today, would intrude on women’s reproductive freedom and access to health care and unnecessarily restrict the private insurance choices that consumers have today,” President Obama said in a statement objecting to the bill. The House of Representatives passed the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act in a 242-179 vote. (Roll call vote here.) The legislation also bans the use of federal funds to pay for health insurance plans covering abortion. This provision includes the subsidies consumers receive through the Affordable Care Act. (read more) Hundreds of thousands of pro-life people turned out for the annual March for Life in Washington, braving cold temperatures to take a stand for the right to life of unborn children. While marchers mourned 42 years of legalized abortion, many sounded a hopeful theme for a pro-life future and think the decision will eventually be reversed. The Roe v. Wade decision, handed down on January 22, 1973, overturned pro-life laws offering protection for unborn children in most states across the country, and made abortions legal and virtually unlimited. Almost 58 million unborn children have been killed in abortions since.
Polling data shows Americans are pro-life and few agree with Obama’s unlimited abortion position. (read more) The House today approved legislation that will put in place a complete ban on taxpayer funding of abortions that ensures abortions are not directly funded in any federal governmental program or department. The legislation combines several policies that must be enacted every year in Congressional battles and puts them into law where they will not be in jeopardy of being overturned every time Congress changes hands from pro-life lawmakers to those who support abortions.
The House voted 242-179 for the bill with 239 Republicans and three Democrats voting to ban taxpayer funding of abortions under HR7 while 178 Democrats and one Republican voted against it. A majority of Americans object to the use of taxpayer money for funding abortion, according to numerous polls — including a survey CNN conducted in early April showing Americans oppose public funding of abortion by a margin of 61% to 35%. The bill will also mitigate concerns about abortion funding in the various loopholes in the Obamacare national health care bill that various pro-life organizations warned about during debate on the law. The legislation did not contain language banning funding of abortions in its provisions and the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act would fix that problem. (read full article) A handful of “pro-life” lawmakers have sabotaged a vote House Republican leaders planned for today to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy based on scientific evidence showing unborn babies feel pain in abortions.
As LifeNews reported yesterday, Rep. Renee Ellmers of North Carolina along with Reps. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania and Jackie Walorski of Indiana — each of whom have pro-life voting records — objected to a vote on the bill on the grounds that the language in the bill did not do enough to allow women who have been victimized by rape to have abortions. Together, they reportedly got enough lawmakers to cast doubts on the outcome of the bill that House Republican leaders were forced to pull the measure from a debate and vote on the House floor today. (read more) Missouri Right to Life and National Right to Life stand together in support of HR 36, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. We urge our Missouri Delegation to vote in support of this very important pro-life legislation as proposed by National Right to Life. Please contact your congressperson today and encourage them to support HR 36.
(click here for more information) When Martin Pistorius was 12 years old, he became very ill. After two years of illness, spending most of his time sleeping, he became so sick that he lost his ability to move. Then he lost his ability to make eye contact, and finally his ability to speak. He was left in a coma. The family finally received a diagnosis of cryptococal meningitis, and now they are sharing their story.
His parents, Rodney and Joan, told National Public Radio (NPR) that the doctors sent Martin home with the instructions to simply keep him comfortable. As far as anyone knew, Martin was simply not there anymore, and his parents were told he had zero intelligence. The doctors said he wouldn’t live long. ....This life went on for 12 years, no one thinking Martin could understand anything that was happening. Martin says that about two years after entering the “vegetative” state, he began to wake up. And he says he was completely aware but unable to move. In his book, Ghost Boy: My Escape From A Life Locked Inside My Own Body, Martin writes about what life was like during those years. “Everyone was so used to me not being there that they didn’t notice when I began to be present again,” explains Martin. (read full article) How do abortionists describe preborn children and the violent abortion procedures they perform on them? A video has gone viral that exposes what abortionists admit when they don’t realize the cameras are rolling.
Live Action‘s “What is Human?” undercover investigative video probes America’s late-term abortion industry, and reveals chilling admissions from abortionists on the humanity of children in the womb. The video, which has garnered millions of views on Facebookand YouTube combined, has been shared approximately 50,000 times, and counting. “What is Human?” details the willingness of abortionists to brutally slaughter babies able to survive outside the womb, and exposes the violent and inhumane nature of late-term abortion procedures that occur daily in abortion facilities. (link to Live Action article and video) Just weeks after it announced that it killed another 327,000 unborn babies in abortions in its most recent fiscal year, Planned Parenthood faces a new Congressional bill to yank its taxpayer funding.
Congressional Republicans informed LifeNews today that more than 80 other House members re-introduced the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act would would revoke taxpayer funds from Planned Parenthood to ensure taxpayers are not financing the abortion industry. Representative Diane Black, a pro-life congresswoman from Tennessee, is the lead sponsor of the bill along with Reps. Bill Flores (R-TX), Jackie Walorski (R-IN), Pro-Life Caucus Co-Chairman Chris Smith (R-NJ), and Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA) . This bill ensures that Title X family planning grants are used for their intended purpose and are prohibited from being used by organizations that provide abortions or fund those that do. (read more) Before the end of the first week of the new session of Congress, where Republicans control both the House and Senate, a Republican congressman has already filed legislation that would repeal Obamacare. The pro-life community opposed Obamacare because it includes abortion funding with tax dollars, the HHS mandate forcing employers to cover abortion-causing drugs, and concerns about rationing health care.
Congressman Steve Kin, an Iowa Republican, filed the bill to repeal the controversial law. “In the wake of the 2014 mid-term elections it has become clear that the American people overwhelmingly reject the President’s failed healthcare law,” said King. “The botched implementation of ObamaCare has been nothing short of a complete failure when millions of people had their health insurance plans cancelled because their grandfathered plans were in violation of ObamaCare’s ‘essential health benefits.’ For several years now, conservatives in Congress have warned the American people of the damage this law has done to our personal health insurance. Unfortunately, our warnings have come true. ObamaCare was, is, and will always be dreadful public policy. (continue reading) |
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
October 2024