The House is expected to vote on H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 tomorrow, Thursday November 16th. The tax bill contains a new positive provision related to the unborn.
Under the provision, parents will be permitted to name unborn children as beneficiaries of 529 College Savings Plans, and be able to start saving for their unborn child’s education before the baby is born. This would be the first time the unborn child has been written into the tax code. The provision has been attacked by pro-abortion groups such as NARAL and Planned Parenthood. Even though this law in no ways deals with abortion, the pro-abortion lobby’s ideology compels it to deny the very existence of unborn human beings in any area of the law. By the same token, the National Right to Life Committee supports this provision because it recognizes, in at least one area of law, that unborn children are people. Additionally, National Right to Life worked to ensure that the House bill restored the long-existing adoption tax credit, and applauds House leadership for their effort. (read full article) WASHINGTON, D.C., November 15, 2017 (Operation Rescue) – Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday and acknowledged that Planned Parenthood and others who may have participated in the illegal sale of aborted baby organs and tissue could be criminally charged once the FBI completes its investigation.
Rep. Trent Franks referenced a report published Monday by The Hillthat the FBI had asked to view unredacted documents obtained by the Senate Judiciary Committee’s yearlong investigation into allegations that Planned Parenthood and others engaged in the illegal sale of aborted baby body parts. That investigation was initiated by undercover videos released in 2015 by the Center for Medical Progress that clearly show Planned Parenthood executives haggling to get top dollar for aborted baby parts. The Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, which conducted a similar investigation, both referred Planned Parenthood organizations and several middle-man organ procurement companies to the Department of Justice for criminal investigation and prosecution. (read more) WASHINGTON, D.C., November 14, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — The FBI has requested unredacted documents from Congress that were obtained during the 2015 hearings on Planned Parenthood’s allegedly illegal trafficking of aborted baby body parts for profit, reported The Hill. Pro-life activists have welcomed the move as a first sign of a criminal probe into the abortion giant.
Reported The Hill: The request was made in recent days, the sources said, to the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), last December referred Planned Parenthood and several other abortion providers to the FBI for investigation after a lengthy probe into the transfers of fetal tissue. Grassley said at the time that his committee had uncovered enough evidence in its final investigative report to show abortion providers had transferred tissue and body parts from aborted fetuses to firms for use in research by charging dollar amounts above their actual costs. The Justice Department declined comment, saying it does not confirm nor deny whether an investigation is taking place. It was two summers ago that the Center for Medical Progress released undercover videos allegedly showing Planned Parenthood’s illegal selling of aborted baby parts, including hearts, lungs, livers, and brains, for profit. The videos led to Planned Parenthood facing investigations at both state and federal levels. The abortion organization has so far managed to dodge any conviction for the wrongdoing suggested in the undercover videos. (continue reading) As a judge denied Planned Parenthood's request to block a portion of Senate Bill 5, demonstrations were held in front of five Planned Parenthood locations Oct. 24 to shine light on Missouri's newest pro-life law, which went into effect the same day.
Jackson County Circuit Court judge Judge S. Margene Burnett denied a request by several Planned Parenthood branches and the ACLU of Missouri for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction of parts of SB 5. The lawsuit, filed Oct. 10, targeted the state's 72-hour waiting period, which they noted will result in "extreme delays" of three or more weeks for women in areas not close to an abortion clinic. The law requires the same physician who will provide the abortion to also give information on the medical risks at least 72 hours earlier. Pro-life advocates held press conferences Oct. 24 outside of Planned Parenthood locations in St. Louis, Columbia, Kansas City, Springfield and Joplin. Planned Parenthood has resumed offering abortions in Kansas City and Columbia, and has said it would seek to resume abortions in Springfield and Joplin. Speakers at the St. Louis press conference included Sens. Paul Wieland and Bill Eigel, Pam Fichter of Missouri Right to Life, Reagan Barklage of Students for Life of America, and Stacy Washington of radio talk show Stacy on the Right. At the event, pro-life advocates drew attention to the 67 ambulance visits to Planned Parenthood in St. Louis since 2009. (link to read more and see photos) Bill would ban abortions after heartbeat is detected: It’s about ‘equal protection for all’11/2/2017
Today, the U.S. House Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, chaired by Rep. Steve King (IA), held the first hearing on H.R. 490, commonly known as the Heartbeat Bill.
Why the Heartbeat Bill? Rep. King, the sponsor of H.R. 490, stated this bill is necessary because it is “decades past the time to defend the sanctity of human life.” (read more) In a previous video from David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), former StemExpress technician Holly O’Donnell described seeing the arms and legs of aborted babies at her job, and recalled the time when she fainted at the sight of those aborted children.
Today, Daleiden and CMP released a second video featuring O’Donnell, who worked for StemExpress — a profitable fetal tissue procurement agency partnered with a large number of Planned Parenthood affiliates — from December 2012 to April 2013. O’Donnell was previously seen in CMP’s undercover series from 2015, describing how she was instructed to harvest the brain of an aborted child at a Planned Parenthood facility, by cutting through the baby’s face, and how she witnessed an aborted child who still had a heartbeat. In this second video, O’Donnell describes how there was “a lot of coordination” between Planned Parenthood and the fetal procurement agency. StemExpress technicians would compile a so-called “grocery list” of needs for maternal blood and fetal organs and body parts at various gestational ages requested by researchers around the country, says O’Donnell, and Planned Parenthood would attempt to meet these needs by sharing abortion patient information. (continue reading) Former Abortion Practitioner’s Heartbreaking Congressional Testimony: “I’m a Mass Murderer”11/2/2017
A former abortionist testified in front of a Congressional committee yesterday and shared her heartbreaking testimony about having done abortions and later having a change of heart and becoming pro-life.
Dr. Kathy Altman is an OBGYN and a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists but she previously did abortions. Now that she is pro-life, she is testifying in front of Congress urging lawmakers to pass a bill that would ban abortions at 6 weeks of pregnancy after a discernible heartbeat of an unborn child can be detected. “I love to meet adults that I delivered, but it’s always bittersweet because I am reminded of all the people I will never meet because I aborted them,” Aultman told the panel. “It also reminds me that I am a mass murderer.” The doctor condemned abortion saying, “Because we can’t see what they will become, we sacrifice unborn babies for the people we can see. Our society has been subjected to extreme propaganda. We have sanitized our language to make abortion more palatable.” (read more) Any mother who hears that her unborn child may have Down syndrome should listen to the testimony of Frank Stephens.
An actor, Special Olympics athlete and special needs advocate across the globe, Stephens himself has Down syndrome. Last week, he spoke to a U.S. Congressional committee about protecting people with disabilities like himself and supporting medical research, according to The Atlantic. “I am a man with Down syndrome and my life is worth living,” Stephens told members of Congress. Stephens brought up the disturbing level of discrimination that unborn babies with Down syndrome are subjected to in the womb. “… we are the canary in the eugenics coal mine. We are giving the world a chance to think about the ethics of choosing which humans get a chance at life,” he said. (read more) |
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October 2024