WASHINGTON – Alliance Defending Freedom, the Charlotte Lozier Institute, and the Family Research Council voiced concern to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management Monday over proposed rules that continue to allow the cover-up of abortion surcharges in Obamacare.
Although federal law prohibits taxpayer subsidies for elective abortions, regulations under the Affordable Care Act prevent disclosure of the abortion surcharge to customers, who then unknowingly pay the fee to cover elective abortions. “No one should be forced to pay a secret fee to cover other people’s elective abortions,” said ADF Senior Counsel Casey Mattox. “The Obama administration needs to stop deceiving the American people and coercing them to fund abortion. No matter where a person stands on abortion itself, everyone should be able to agree that this type of intentional and illegal deception is wrong and should stop.” (read more) A state representative who changed parties in November thinks that move will give her bill to change abortion policy a better chance to pass.
Representative Linda Black (R-Park Hills) is proposing that the Department of Health and Senior Services create a video that includes all the information that state law requires be given to a woman considering an abortion, and that a doctor show that video to a woman in addition to telling her that information and giving it to her in writing. “This would take a picture, a document, a piece of paper, and it would turn it into more of a narrative documentary, so that mother or that person contemplating an abortion will know exactly what they are doing,” Black told Missourinet. (read more) A new survey conducted by Operation Rescue of all abortion facilities in the United States has confirmed that the abortion clinic closure trend continued strongly in 2014. Operation Rescue is the only pro-life organization that maintains a listing of abortion facilities and tracks clinic closures and its extensive research has provided the most accurate accounting of abortion facilities known to exist.
In all, 73 abortion facilities shut down for all or part of the year. The total number of all remaining abortion clinics in the US is currently 739. Surgical abortion facilities account for 551 of that total while the number of medication-only abortion facilities stands at 188. (read more) A message from retiring MRL President, Pam Fichter:
“He who saves a single soul, saves the world entire” The Jewish Inscription on Oskar Schindler’s ring given to him by the Jews at Brunnlitz When the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was handed down, I sought a way to make a difference for life. The greatest opportunity to do that has been the privilege of serving as President of Missouri Right to Life for the past eleven years. During that time, I have been blessed to play a small role in the passage of many pro-life bills including increased oversight of abortion clinics, a ban on late-term abortions and web cam abortions, and an extension of the required reflection period to 72 hours. Through the work of the MRL PAC, I have tried to help in building one of the largest pro-life majorities in any state legislature. I have heard first-hand from many people across the state of their respect for the mission and the work of Missouri Right to Life. As President of the only Missouri affiliate of National Right to Life, I have had the opportunity to participate in their life-saving work at the federal level. All of these great privileges and blessings for me have been because of Missouri Right to Life. I thank the board for giving me this opportunity, and I thank our dedicated staff for their tireless work. Any success that I had in my role was only because of the support of these wonderful people. I thank the regional boards, the chapter leaders, and the thousands of members of Missouri Right to Life for sharing this journey with me. With a grateful heart and my very best wishes, I pass the torch of leading MRL to my very dear friend, Steve Rupp. Steve has been part of the pro-life battle for many years serving as Vice President of MRL, Chairman of the Eastern Region and St. Louis Chapter, bus captain of the Missouri Life Caravan, and in many other pro-life endeavors. I know that Steve’s leadership will bring many blessings to MRL. (continue reading) Help Save Lives with Your Christmas Shopping!
If you are doing some or all of your Christmas shopping on-line, you can help save lives at the same time by doing it through the eScrip On-line Mall. When you designate Missouri Right to Life Education Fund as your benefiting organization, we will receive a percentage of what you spend. That percentage will depend on what merchants you patronize. Don't forget to download ForgetMeNot to instantly earn & get offers without having to visit the Online Mall before you shop. Sign up and start shopping at https://shopping.escrip.com/ Abortions Decline to Historic Low The Centers for Disease Control released its national abortion report on Friday and the new figured show the number of abortions in the United States has declined to a historic low...read more. (link to complete Dec. 6th issue) (link to other Lifeline issues) My heart is broken. Another young man, because of poor decisions, has died prematurely. And it never had to happen. What has followed has turned a tragic death into an absurd circus of rioting, racial rhetoric, and redirection.
...There is real injustice all around us, but since we’ve grown to view anything that doesn’t go our way as such, we’ve lost sight of what it truly is. ...In 2012 the FBI reported that 5,538 black males were murdered, disproportionately, compared to 4,093 white males. That’s 43% and 32%, respectively, of all U.S. homicides. In known single victim/offender relationships, 91% of black victims were killed by black offenders; 83.6% of white victims were killed by white offenders. The hyped white-on-black murder narrative becomes further dismantled by stats that show 7% of black murder victims are killed by whites, whereas 13.8% of white victims are killed by blacks. ...The “HandsUp” crowd wants to declare an epidemic of police force brutality by pointing to the 410 deaths (justifiable homicides of any race, either gender) caused by cops in 2012. They ignore the most glaring injustice that is at the root of so much of the violence in the black community: fatherlessness. ...the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency found that “adolescents in single-parent families are significantly more delinquent than their counterparts residing with two biological, married parents.” ...The abortion rate among blacks is up to 5 times higher than that among whites, killing an estimated 363,705 black babies each year. And Planned Parenthood, with its yearly tally of over 327,000 abortions, is the leading killer of babies, of any color, in the nation. (go to full article) Ida and her husband Andy were told that their daughter had severe deformities. The doctors told them point blank that they should do what was smart and responsible – abort their baby.
They were devastated by the news and angry at the way the doctors had given them the diagnosis. Andy and Ida left that hospital never to return again. During a future visit with their regular obstetrician, it was discovered that the baby was actually developing quite normally. Relieved, Andy and Ida spent the day of Adeline’s birth in eager anticipation and joy. She was born without a single health condition and even scored a 9 out of 10 on her Apgar tests. Ida told RTL Michigan that she worries about other parents receiving such a diagnosis who don’t have strong pro-life views or support from friends and family. She says: "I just want people to know there is hope. Miracles happen every day." (read full article) The number of Obamacare plans nationwide offering on-demand abortion is skyrocketing despite a rule that bars using healthcare subsidies for the procedure, according to a new investigation.
The probe by two anti-abortion groups comes on the heels of a GAO report that found over 1,000 plans offer elective abortions, not allowed under Obamacare and personally ruled out by the president. “2015 appears to be shaping up to include more abortion plans and companies switching policies to cover abortion on demand,” said a preliminary statement from the report produced by the Family Research Council and the Charlotte Lozier Institute (read more) |
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 www.hawley.senate.gov/contact-senator-hawley Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 www.schmitt.senate.gov/contact/ Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 wagner.house.gov/contact Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
October 2024