I’m guessing that, based on the title of this post, you think I’m going to talk about photographs of aborted children. Nope. I’m going to talk about the living faces of aborted children. They wield an incredible power all their own.
Take Alex for example. When she was only three years old, she heard her mom talking on TV about how she had had an abortion. At her extremely young and tender age, Alex understood enough to ask her mother why she had killed her brother or sister but not her. Today, Alex and her mother are pro-life speakers who spread the message of hope, love, and life for all babies. Alex is a living face for aborted children. She is a survivor. She could have been aborted. Of course, there are also the faces of men and women who have personally survived abortions. Gianna Jessen, a famous pro-life speaker, survived a saline abortion and was adopted. A biography about Gianna describes how, at the age of three, she was terrified of the crackling sound a campfire made. Her adoptive mother came to realize that this was the same sound saline solution makes in an abortion as it burns the baby alive. Clearly, unborn babies experienceabortion. It’s something that is done to them. They feel pain. Their mind—if they survive—remembers. Gianna Jessen has been a powerful living face for aborted children for years. (read complete article) Comments are closed.
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October 2024