Writing in the January 14, 2013, issue of TIME Magazine, journalist Kate Pickert documents the hard-fought victories the pro-life movement has experienced in state legislatures over the past two decades.
In “What Choice? Why Abortion-Rights Activists Have Been Losing Ever Since Roe v. Wade,” Pickert observes, “[A]t the state level, abortion-rights activists are unequivocally losing.” As a result, “These laws make it harder every year to exercise a right heralded as a crowning achievement of the 20th century women’s movement.” National Right to Life President Carol Tobias responded: For the average American, the idea of a society where you can kill an unborn child right up until the moment of birth is unacceptable. Polling has confirmed for years that most Americans are uncomfortable with the idea of abortion on demand for any reason and that most Americans support legislation that protects mothers and their unborn children from the abortion industry. That the collective sentiment of the nation has resulted in the passage of pro-life laws is not surprising. For example, a vast majority of Americans (63%) support legislation banning abortion after the point at which the unborn child is capable of feeling pain (by 20 weeks). And most Americans don’t want their tax dollars being used to pay for abortion. (continue reading) Comments are closed.
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