“Pro-Choice” is a Lie. Abortion Activists Want to Force Doctors and Nurses to Do Abortions8/16/2018
Pro-abortion activists couldn’t sell abortion to the American people. It was foisted on our nation by the courts, ultimately seven men in black robes who nullified states’ legal protections for the babies and opened the floodgates of violence, death and mental anguish. Abortion was not the will of the people
The election of pro-life President Donald Trump and resultant nominations of Judges Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as many others to the appellate and district courts, have reinforced to the Left that their stranglehold on America’s judiciary is slipping. Their panic and desperation are evident. Frantic to keep the status quo of abortion on demand throughout pregnancy, abortion advocates, long known for their “pro-choice” and “who decides” rhetoric, are adopting a polar-opposite strategy. A dwindling population of abortionists is seriously interfering with the abortion industry. So instead of espousing the virtue of “choice,” they’re now trying to force doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospitals and others in the medical community to participate in the killing. Their mantra has evolved, and they’ve planted their flag in the “pro-choice if it’s my choice” camp, advocating “no choice” for those opposed to killing innocent babies. These voices have gotten louder and bolder. The usual suspects have spoken. Planned Parenthood denigrated the conscience rights of medical personnel by saying they were simply an “excuse to discriminate against others.” The Guttmacher Institute, first established as the research arm of Planned Parenthood, ominously warned that laws protecting medical professionals “pose particularly serious dangers for society.” A reoccurring theme has developed: Conscience rights should be totally eliminated, but until then, weed out the pro-lifers and at minimum require them to refer women to an abortionist who will kill their babies. (continue reading) http://www.lifenews.com/2018/08/16/pro-choice-is-a-lie-abortion-activists-want-to-force-doctors-and-nurses-to-do-abortions/ Comments are closed.
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