Planned Parenthood recently announced it was retiring the phrase “pro-choice.” That term has defined their deadly movement for decades and now they’re abandoning it. It’s plain to me, after all this time, society is finally beginning to understand that “choice” is nothing more than a clever and deceptive catch phrase for death.
Why did Planned Parenthood change its strategy? One claim is that “pro-choice” no longer resonates, particularly with the younger generation. Pro-abortion rhetoric isn’t working for a number of reasons—the most prominent being the success of our collective pro-life efforts. The Millennial generation is emerging as passionately pro-life. In fact, those under the age of forty have been most impacted. They’re not blind to the fact that they’ve lost 55 million of their brothers and sisters to death by abortion—sacrificed on the altar of so-called “choice.” Another argument Planned Parenthood gives is that “pro-choice” doesn’t reflect the complexity of making decisions regarding “reproductive health” (you’ll notice they can’t bring themselves to use the A-word). In other words, they still refuse to acknowledge abortion is a life-or-death decision. They know it’s a losing battle for them to admit the truth that they’re promoting death. (read more) Comments are closed.
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October 2024