There are plenty of Americans who’d hoped Planned Parenthood would be saying goodbye to a lot more than Cecile Richards this spring. As far as they’re concerned, the only thing better would be to see the group wave farewell to their $540 million in taxpayer dollars. Unfortunately, Congress didn’t give pro-lifers that satisfaction on the latest omnibus bill. But the group’s new midterm campaign is giving leaders plenty of incentive to try again!
Hours before Tax Day, Richards’s group made the mistake of reminding everyone where their dollars are going. While most Americans hurry to file their paperwork, Planned Parenthood is already deciding how to spend their share. After sinking hundreds of thousands of dollars into a losing effort in Illinois, the nation’s largest abortion business is hoping to make a big splash in three other states. And thanks to your tax dollars, they have plenty of wiggle room to try. Obviously, it’s illegal for Richards to use even a cent of federal funds on the group’s political activities. And while her accountants use every possible trick to keep the monies separate, there’s something fundamentally wrong with our system. No “nonprofit” organization should be allowed to rake in hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars — and then turn around with a related PAC and indirectly use those dollars to impact the political process. (continue reading) Comments are closed.
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October 2024