During the 2010 Legislative Session, the Missouri Senate and House took up and passed SB 793 requiring that, 24 hours before a woman has an abortion, she be given the opportunity to view an ultrasound, receive information on the development of her baby including the ability to feel pain, alternatives to abortion, and the father’s responsibility under Missouri law.
Today, Governor Nixon has allowed this legislation to become law. Per the Missouri Constitution, Governor Nixon’s decision to neither veto nor sign the bill is a decision to allow SB 793 to go into effect. In essence, a non-veto is a win for women in Missouri who will now receive critical information before making an abortion decision. Because of Governor Nixon’s decision to allow women to be more fully informed, we believe that more expectant mothers will choose life for their babies. Missouri Right to Life has worked hard for several years to pass this legislation and is very pleased to see it become law. SB 793 also prohibits abortion coverage in the insurance exchanges created by the new federal health care reform legislation. read more Comments are closed.
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 www.hawley.senate.gov/contact-senator-hawley Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 www.schmitt.senate.gov/contact/ Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 wagner.house.gov/contact Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
April 2024