I am an abortion survivor: giving voice to the 491 Canadian babies born alive, left to die12/9/2012
(article by Melissa Ohden)
As the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion in 1977, I live each day knowing what should have happened to me. Yet I am alive today to share the truth about what happened to me and what happens to children like me, like these 491 abortion survivors in Canada. Yes, being an abortion survivor and living to tell about it is rare when you consider the overwhelming number of lives lost to abortion: over 100,000 lives lost through abortion in Canada and over 1.2 million lives lost in the United States every year. Over the past five years, I have had contact with nearly 100 survivors, most of whom are from the U.S., but some of whom are also from Canada, Australia, Africa, and parts of Europe. Just like these 491 children in Canada, we were meant to simply be another number, a statistic. But we were, and we are, someone’s child, someone’s grandchild, someone’s cousin, someone’s niece or nephew, someone’s sibling, just as the 491 survivors in Canada are. The fact that they were aborted and left to die may have rendered them lifeless and nameless, but it doesn’t take away the truth that they were a child who survived a terrible circumstance and suffered a terrible death. As a survivor, I feel called to raise awareness to the reality of abortion in our world and to give a voice to children like these 491 Canadians. I have founded a new organization, The Abortion Survivors Network, to help connect survivors, to help facilitate healing, and to help educate the world about abortion and abortion survivors. We will be implementing a number of dynamic programs and we are planning some major initiatives in the upcoming months, which we believe will continue to make an impact in our world. But we can’t do it alone. Please help us by giving a voice to our 491 Canadian brothers and sisters who survived but ultimately lost their lives to abortion by sharing the truth about their lives with others. (link to read full article) For more information about The Abortion Survivors Network, visit: www.theabortionsurvivors.com, www.Facebook.com/TheAbortionSurvivorsNetwork, www.twitter/abortsurvivors. Comments are closed.
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