A U.S. House hearing yesterday focused on a bill that would help stop a pervasive practice by abortion businesses and pro-abortion activists of taking minor girls for secret abortions in other states without their parents’ knowing.
Lawmakers have introduced the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act that would help states across the country better enforce their parental involvement laws on abortion that require teen girls to get their parents permission or notify them about a decision to have an abortion. The legislation is needed as sexual abusers, family members and even staff at abortion centers routinely take teenage girls across state lines for secret abortions without their parents knowledge or permission. f enacted, CIANA would serve two goals. First, it would prohibit the act of knowingly taking a minor across state lines with the intent of obtaining an abortion if this action evades the parental involvement law in her home state. And second, it would require abortion providers to notify a parent of an out-of-state minor before performing an abortion. With disparate state laws regarding parental involvement all across the country, this bill would ensure those state laws are enforced regardless of where an abortion may be performed. (link to full article) Comments are closed.
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October 2024