Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- The president of a nationwide pro-life group says Americans, regardless of their opinion on abortion, should stand up against a move in the Senate to allow abortions at taxpayer-funded U.S. military base hospitals. Americans United for Life president Charmaine Yoest talked about the coming battle.
"Every American opposed to taxpayer-funded abortion should be aware of a major legislative battle coming in September," Yoest says. "When the Senate reconvenes, debate is expected to begin on this year’s Department of Defense (DOD) Authorization bill." "Last May, when the Senate Armed Services Committee was putting this bill together, Senator Roland Burris (D-IL) added an amendment that would strike a provision in the U.S. Code that prohibits DOD medical personnel or facilities from performing abortions The Senate Armed Services Committee voted 15-12 for the amendment with all Republicans and Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson voting against it and all other Democrats voting for it. Go to this page to contact your senators and urge opposition to abortions at U.S. military bases. Urge opposition to the Burris amendment and support for the Wicker amendment. http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm read more Comments are closed.
Contact your elected officials Senator Josh Hawley 212 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-6154 www.hawley.senate.gov/contact-senator-hawley Senator Eric Schmitt 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5721 www.schmitt.senate.gov/contact/ Representative Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-1621 wagner.house.gov/contact Washington Missouri Office 516 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 231-1001 Click here to find your House Representative
April 2024