Abortion Survivor on Meeting Her Mom: “I Don’t Think I Was Prepared for That Look In Her Eyes”6/8/2016
If there’s any question about whether an unborn child is a human being worthy of legal protection, abortion survivors erase any doubt. When a baby survives an abortion, the survival is further proof of the humanity of the unborn child who is the subject of the “medical procedure” done specifically to terminate their life.
Melissa Ohden is one such survivor. The LifeNews writer had written and spoken out extensively on her survival, her earth-shattering story and how she eventually met her birthmother. In Ireland to support pro-life efforts to keep the nation protecting babies before birth, Ohden shared more about that experience of meeting her mother, saying the healing and reconciliation was “better than anything I ever expected:” Melissa explained: “My biological mother was 19 years old, a university student, wasn’t married to my biological father but was engaged to be married”. She recalled: “It was better than anything I ever expected, but at the same time it was probably more difficult than I expected – only in the circumstance that I knew she was hurt by what was done to her. But to look in her eyes and to see how much pain it caused her… I don’t think I was prepared for that look in her eyes. Melissa says that for 30 years her birth mother never knew her daughter had survived. The discovery that she had was a ‘complete and utter shock’. (read full article) Comments are closed.
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