A coalition of nearly fifty pro-life groups, including LifeSiteNews, is calling on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to stop financing medical research using aborted babies’ remains.
Last month, a notice from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was revealed, announcing a $15,900 contract to the fetal tissue procurement firm Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. (ABR) to acquire “Tissue for Humanized Mice.” The tissue was meant to give mice a “humanized” immune system for the purpose of drug testing. Between the use of tissue from aborted babies and ABR’s past work with Planned Parenthood in the abortion giant’s 2015 scandal over selling aborted baby parts, pro-life leaders denounced the revelations and called on the Trump administration to cancel the contract. Now, in a letter dated September 11 to HHS Secretary Alex Azar, 48 pro-life leaders are putting those calls directly to the administration. Signatories include the leaders of LifeSiteNews, the Center for Medical Progress, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Susan B. Anthony List, Family Research Council, Priests for Life, Heritage Action, Operation Rescue, Eagle Forum, and more... ...“Contrary to claims, there is no scientific requirement of aborted fetal tissue to construct humanized mice,” the statement declares. “Good scientific alternatives exist to this grisly sourcing, including use of human umbilical cord blood stem cells and adult peripheral blood stem cells. There are abundant modern scientific alternatives, making aborted fetal tissue unnecessary.” It then asks whether the FDA made any effort to identify ethical alternatives to using tissue from aborted children. “The federal government must find ethical alternatives as soon as possible, and should end all association with those who participate in any trafficking or procurement of aborted baby organs,” the letter concludes. “No taxpayer dollars should continue to go to this gruesome practice. It is our hope that these reforms would start with you and HHS – and start today.” (read full article) Comments are closed.
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October 2024